
Nadel Channel near Omoljica

Banat, Vojvodina  >  Serbia

Nadel channel near Omoljica offers a unique open landscape birding location.

Aggiunto* da Mileta Čeković
Ultimo aggiornamento 13 marzo 2025


Nadel is a system of channels and a river in the south Banat region of the Serbian province of Vojvodina. It starts from Botoš dam, finding its way south to the Pančevo town, passing villages like Uzdin, Kovačica, Debeljača, and Crepaja, from where it heads further south touching Starčevo, Omoljica, and Ivanovo, where it finally finds the Danube.

Especially interesting is the section between Starčevo and Omoljica, where Nadel starts to be wider and more attractive to waterfowl. Unique to this section is that while walking along the embankment there is a wide channel with waterfowl and shorebirds at the eastern side contrasted with the open agricultural landscape spreading at the western side where approaching birds of prey are easily spotted. Falco di palude, Albanella reale, Gheppio, Sparviere, Poiana and Aquila di mare are common while also recorded are Falco pecchiaiolo, Biancone, Nibbio bruno, Albanella pallida and Sparviere levantino.

From waterfowl, regular are Germano reale, Alzavola, Moretta tabaccata, Marzaiola, Canapiglia, Folaga, Gallinella d'acqua, and Tuffetto. All Serbian herons are also regular, while unique to this location is the common presence of the locally rare Airone guardabuoi due to a lot of livestock on the meadows at the western side of the embankment.

Civetta finds its home in some of the abandoned houses scattered along the embankment side. Patches of forest are also present, where Cesena, Cardellino and sometimes Fanello and Ciuffolotto can be spotted.



The embankment at the western side of the Nadel channel can be accessed from Starčevo and Omoljica, please follow P markings on the map below. Although the parking place nearest to Pančevo and Belgrade at the end of the road through Starčevo village is looking like the most suitable to start a walking tour, it is probably better to head to the second parking place further south and head north over the embankment, leaving the sun behind your back.

While driving over the embankment is not officially prohibited and there are no ramps, the wide path over the embankment is not suited for ordinary cars.

Terreno e habitat

Prateria/pascolo , Terreni coltivati , Fiume

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Paesaggio aperto , Non ombreggiato

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW

Primavera , Autunno , Estate

Miglior periodo per visitare

Primavera , Migrazione primaverile , Autunno , Migrazione autunnale , Estate


Sentiero ampio

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi

Difficoltà media

Modalità di accesso

Bicicletta , A piedi

Capanno/torretta di osservazione



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