Rated 3 stars out of 5
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Steinse Groen

Zuid-Holland  >  Netherlands

Small city park on the eastern side of Gouda with small forested areas, marshlands and ponds.

Aggiunto* da Bas Engels
Ultimo aggiornamento 12 febbraio 2020


The city park "Steinse Groen" is a fairly new park on the eastern side of Gouda. The park mainly consists of high bushes and forested areas with small marshlands, ponds and ditches. In spring, the area is home to a variety of common songbirds, like Luì piccolo, Capinera and Sterpazzola, but also breeding birds like Bigiarella and Canapino maggiore are present. The small ponds and ditches are used by common species of waterfowl, like Canapiglia, Moretta and Folaga, but species like Martin pescatore, Moriglione and Alzavola are also present. In summer, Sterna comune forages above these ditches and sometimes small groups of Mignattino comune fly overhead. Small reedbeds are present in the northwestern en southeastern part of the park. Here, small numbers of Forapaglie comune and Cannaiola breed, but also Usignolo di fiume can be found. The shallow parts of the area are home to grass snake and some parts also contain orchids. In winter, the area is mainly used by flocks of Lucherino and Fringuello.

Large extensive pastures are located on the northern side of the park. In summer, small numbers of Pittima reale and Allodola breed here. In winter, large flocks of Oca lombardella, Oca facciabianca and Cigno reale forage on these pastures. The ditches between these pastures are used by large numbers of Fischione and many other species of waterfowl. Also, large groups of Airone bianco maggiore can be found here.



The area is easy accessable on foot and by bike. You can park the car at several places near the park (see P on the map). Just follow the paved roads into the park and you can make a circular walk of about 2.5 km. There is a small "trekpontje" located in the northern part of the area, which means a small DIY ferry to cross a ditch. There's also an information sign in the eastern part of the park, explaining the nature on the extensive pastures to the east.

Terreno e habitat

Foresta , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Zona umida , Prateria/pascolo , Terreni coltivati

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW


Miglior periodo per visitare



Strada asfaltata , Strada sterrata , Sentiero ampio

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta

Capanno/torretta di osservazione



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500 m

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