

Island of Texel  >  Netherlands

This little dune lake is located near the north point of Texel, in a coastal area with dunes and some bushes.

Aggiunto* da Klaas de Jong
Ultimo aggiornamento 4 luglio 2024


De Robbenjager on the north point of Texel is a typical area where lots of migrants have a stop-over. It is a true magnet for migratory birds. The little meadow is called the Corrione biondo-field, because in October '86 a Corrione biondo showed up for a few days. Also mega-rarities as Pavoncella indiana (2019) and Amur Stonechat (2012) where found here.


Nederlands: Dit kleine duinmeer ligt vlakbij de noordpunt van Texel, in een kustgebied met duinen en wat struikgewas. De Robbenjager op de noordpunt van Texel is een typisch gebied waar veel migranten een tussenstop hebben. Het is een echte magneet voor trekvogels. Het weilandje heet het Corrione biondo - veld, omdat in oktober '86 een Corrione biondo een paar dagen opdook. Ook mega-rariteiten als Pavoncella indiana (2019) en Stejnegers Saltimpalo (2012) waren hier te vinden.



The north point of Texel is easily reachable (head towards the lighthouse!) and the Robbenjager area has two good entrances with parking possibilities: at Kaap Noord restaurant or at Robbenjager restaurant. The area is best discovered on foot. The lookout points are accessible for wheelchairs, but the foot path along the dunes will be very tough with any wheels.


Nederlands: De noordpunt van Texel is goed te bereiken (richting de vuurtoren!) En het Robbenjagergebied heeft twee goede ingangen met parkeermogelijkheden: bij restaurant Kaap Noord of bij restaurant Robbenjager. Het gebied kan het beste te voet worden verkend. De uitkijkpunten zijn rolstoeltoegankelijk, maar het voetpad langs de duinen zal met wielen erg zwaar zijn.

Terreno e habitat

Zona umida , Prateria/pascolo , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Lago , Dune , Canneti , Mare , Spiaggia

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Collinoso , Non ombreggiato , Paesaggio aperto

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?

Può essere utile

Buona stagione per il BW

Primavera , Autunno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Migrazione autunnale


Strada sterrata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi

Difficoltà media

Modalità di accesso

A piedi

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

The walk is (among others) around a camping site. It is specifically prohibited to visit the camping site if you are not staying there. The camping site also has interesting bushes and shrubs, so possibly good for migratory birds, but the last thing you want to see if you open your caravan window in the morning is a bunch of birdwatchers with big lenses...


Nederlands: De wandeling gaat (onder andere) rond een camping. Het is nadrukkelijk verboden om de camping te bezoeken als je daar niet verblijft. De camping heeft ook interessante struiken en heesters, dus wellicht goed voor trekvogels, maar het laatste wat je wilt zien als je 's ochtends je caravanraam opendoet, is een stel vogelaars met grote lenzen ...


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Guida locale

Discover the birds of Texel with Klaas de Jong

Island of Texel  >  Netherlands

Texel is one of the best bird watching destinations in the Netherlands. Bird watchers from all over Europe come to this Wadden Sea island to watch birds. Rare birds and vagrants are often seen on Texel and interesting birds can be observed all year round.  Klaas de Jong - one of the most reputed bird guides in the Netherlands - lives on Texel and knows the island as no other. Klaas offers full day or half day birding tours. Klaas shows you countless bird species and always searches for the most recent rarities on the island.

Handy pick-up-service

One of the great services Klaas provides, is the pick-up-service. His minibus can pick you up at your hotel or at the ferry port. A very convenient service if you only have a day to explore the island. Directly from the ferry you you can start off and from there Klaas takes you to the best birding areas of the island.

For more information about Klaas' bird tours, times and prices visit his website.

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