
Lake Fehér-tó

South part of Kiskunsagi National Park  >  Hungary

Lake Fehér is Hungary's largest saltwater lake.. The reconstruction of former fish ponds outside the city of Szeged resulted in a large and birdrich wetland.

Aggiunto* da Tamas Vass
Ultimo aggiornamento 11 dicembre 2022


Lake Fehér is is a part of Kiskunság National Park, and covers an area of 14 square kilometres. Lake Fehér is Hungary's largest saltwater lake. It is carefully protected because it is home to 280 species of bird. The classic sodic lake environment has disappeared and its place has been taken by the characteristic wildlife of fishponds and their reedbeds. Despite the changes, the lakes still attract many birds. Fehér-tó is a fishpond system and it has a rich bird and wildlife and during the migration period it is a very important resting places for migrating birds. During the migration season, crowds of Gru, geese, and ducks are visible on Lake Fehér. Most of Hungary’s heron species breed in the bigger reed-islands of the area. The dense reedbeds offer excellent conditions for Migliarino di palude and Basettino. They can be found in the reedbeds of Lake Fehér the whole year. Cannareccione , Cannaiola, Forapaglie comune, Salciaiola and Forapaglie castagnolo stay in the area merely in the breeding period.



You can easily drive there by car and park close to the lake system. It is worth walking along the Gull study trail including the Beretzk outlook, which is a great place for observing the bird population of Fehért-tó, especially the gull colony of the Korom island. The almost two-kilometer long tour can be visited only with guides.

Terreno e habitat

Zona umida , Lago , Canneti

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Tutto l'anno

Miglior periodo per visitare

Migrazione primaverile , Migrazione autunnale


Strada asfaltata , Strada sterrata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi , Bicicletta

Capanno/torretta di osservazione



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