
Skala Kallonis Pool

Lesvos  >  Greece

Once, one of the main bird attractions of the island. Nowaday often dryer during spring. But still a good spot for breeding and migrating species.

Aggiunto* da Bas Engels
Ultimo aggiornamento 26 ottobre 2023


​The Skala Kallonis pool was once one of the main attractions for birders on the island of Lesvos. Due to its location and wet habitat, the area is great for migrating species, and is also used as breeding area for many breeding species. There are two situations you can come accross:

Wet: especially during a wet winter or spring, this area can hold up a lot of water during the beginning of the breeding season. Species like Tarabusino, Sgarza ciuffetto and Porciglione breed here. The area is great for observering marsh terns, herons, swallows and martins, and lots of waterfowl, like Casarca and Marzaiola. The reedbeds are great for many species of reedbird, like Cannareccione and Canapino pallido orientale.

Dry: due to bad management, the area can be mostly dry during the start of the breeding season. The reedbeds are still good for some typical reedbirds, but overall the amount of birds is far less, compared to a wet situation.

Somewhere in the area, Barbagianni breeds here too, and can sometimes be seen hunting in the fields surrounding the area.



The area is very small and surrounded by roads, so it can be easily observed from these roads.

Terreno e habitat

Lago , Canneti

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Autunno , Primavera

Miglior periodo per visitare

Migrazione primaverile , Migrazione autunnale


Strada asfaltata

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

Bicicletta , A piedi , Macchina , Sedia a rotelle

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


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