
Irrigated Fields - Chrousos

Lesvos  >  Greece

The irrigated fields near Chrouses are great during autumn migration, and can be a fantastic migrant trap.

Aggiunto* da Bas Engels
Ultimo aggiornamento 29 ottobre 2023


The small village of Chrouses has a lot of fields that are being irrigated during late summer and autumn. Therefore, the valley is lush green and attracts lots of migrants during this season. The fields can be packed with flocks of hundreds of pipits and wagtails, large flocks of swallows and martins fly overhead, the electricity wires can be stuffed with shrikes, chats and Tortora selvatica, and the surrounding bushes full of warblers.

The surrounding hills are great for typical inland species, like Ortolano grigio, Picchio muratore di roccia and locally breeding Biancone. Hilltops are great for foraging Grillaio and Falco della Regina.



Just after crossing the ford near Chrousos, you can park your car and make walk around the area to scan the fields, wires and bushes. During high tide, the river mouth can be a bit tricky to cross, but the water is never deep.

Terreno e habitat

Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Terreni coltivati , Città/paese , Spiaggia , Fiume

Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano , Sabbioso

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Migrazione autunnale


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