
Uutela Communal Gardens

Uusimaa  >  Finland

Communal gardens in the heart of Uutela park.

Aggiunto* da Johanna Jouppila
Ultimo aggiornamento 20 dicembre 2021
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The Uutela communal gardens are a great place for birding due to its location in the middle of Uutela. It's a nice place to check during your visit to Uutela in general but also a place worth visiting on its own too. The gardens and the surroundings forests are filled with bird songs in spring and there are many nesting boxes close to the gardens too so it's possible to observe a variety of birds looking for mates and raising their young. Pettirosso, Balia nera, Pigliamosche and Scricciolo are common sightings in the summery garden.

The calls of Picchio nero are often present when visiting the garden and it's also very common to see it flying and pecking trees next to the garden. Picchio rosso maggiore is also a frequent sighting. Roe deer, hares and foxes are also common visitors in the garden all around the year.

During autumn migration the gardens are a great place to spot bigger amounts of birds that have stopped to rest and eat before continuing their journey. At the end of summer and during early autumn it's possible to see great amounts of Scricciolo and some Pigliamosche pettirosso too.

The water areas between the gardens and around them also invite birds to bathe and forage for food in them. If you're lucky and moving quietly enough it's possible to spot Beccaccia in them. Due to being close to the sea, it's also very common to see Aquila di mare flying over the area. Sightings of Poiana, Astore and Sparviere are also possible so it's good to keep looking up as well.



Walking is the best way to explore the gardens. One of the nature trails crosses the gardens with bridges. The paths between the gardens are pretty narrow, labyrinthy and at times hard to walk on so patience and slow pace are good approaches. There are parking places in the park and it's possible to cycle to the location too.

Terreno e habitat


Caratteristiche dell’area

Terreno piano

Percorso ad anello


È utile un cannocchiale?


Buona stagione per il BW

Primavera , Autunno , Estate

Miglior periodo per visitare

Autunno , Primavera , Estate , Migrazione primaverile , Migrazione autunnale


Strada sterrata , Sentiero stretto

Grado di difficoltà del percorso a piedi


Modalità di accesso

A piedi

Capanno/torretta di osservazione


Informazioni aggiuntive

Please be mindful when walking in the garden area. While the paths between the gardens are public space the individual gardens are not and should therefore not be entered without the owner's permission.

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