
Batsu Gardens

San Jose San Gerardo de Dota  >  Costa Rica

Batsu Gardens with an amazing view is Costa Rica's most impressive hummingbird garden for bird watchers or photographers.

Aggiunto* da Winfried Rusch
Ultimo aggiornamento 13 febbraio 2023


The owner of Batsu Gardens has created a paradise here. From covered seating you can watch the birds and also take very good pictures. A stroll through the garden with many colorful flowers is worthwhile, where some birds are also flying around. To name just a few bird species that can be spotted: Lesser Violetear, Flame-colored Tanager, Acorn Woodpecker, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Scintillant Hummingbird, Violet Sabrewing, Northern Emerald-Toucanet and many more.



Batsu Gardens is a two hours drive south from San José. The gardens are located in San Gerardo de Dota, 9 km off the Panamerican Highway. The owner picks up guests from the hotel as the driveway is very steep. Driving yourself is not recommended.

Terreno e habitat

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Inverno , Estate , Primavera , Autunno


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