
Termales del Ruiz

Caldas  >  Colombia

Hotel located 3500 meters above sea level in the remote mountain cloud forest of the Caldas region. Almost 200 species of birds can be observed.

Aggiunto* da Carolien114
Ultimo aggiornamento 19 agosto 2024


Termales del Ruiz is located in the buffer zone of the Los Nevados National Natural Park, at 3500 meters above sea level. The Caldas region is a great area for birdwatching. 197 species of migratory birds arrive here, endemic and almost endemic species of the high Andean region. Among the birds that you can see at hotel Termales del Ruíz, the most notable are the following: Shining Sunbeam, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Black-thighed Puffleg and Golden-fronted Redstart.



Hotel Termales del Ruiz is located 10 km from the Nevado del Ruíz and 36 km from Manizales. Getting there takes some time by car. You can park next to the hotel. Press P in the map for directions.

The hotel is close to Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados. The rooms are not very big, but the food is great. The restaurant with feeders for hummingbirds is sometimes very busy with guests taking selfies with the hummingbirds.

Terreno e habitat

Montagna , Alberi e cespugli sparsi , Brughiere/lande , Foresta

Caratteristiche dell’area

Montagnoso , Scivoloso , Paludoso

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