Rate birdingplace Les Grangettes
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The mouth of the Grand Canal and alluvial wetland, this site is magnificent for observing avifauna in all seasons, but especially in winter.
A paradise for walkers and cyclists but above all migratory birds, Les Grangettes nature reserve is the ideal place to enjoy the protected shores of Lake Geneva. Presence of a rich diversity of birds with rare wintering species like Hávella, Æðarfugl and Toppönd.
Français: Embouchure du Grand Canal et zone humide alluviale, ce site est magnifique pour l'observation de l'avifaune en toute saison mais, notamment, en hiver. Présence d'une riche diversité d'oiseaux avec des espèces hivernantes rares.
It is possible to park at the edge of the large canal (parking lot). Starting from Villeneuve, there are three marked trails (also wheelchair accessible) through this huge reserve, including a 30 minute walk, a one and a half hour walk or 4 a hour walk for the more energetic.
Français: Il est possible de se garer au bord du grand canal (parking) et d'aller au pied jusqu'au bout d'un couloir goudronné rentrant dans le lac Léman
Hi, there are many more bird to see! please add: podiceps nigricollis, coccothraustes coccothraustes, anas crecca, mareca strepera, gallinula chloropus, larus canus, larus michahellis, larus cachinnans, anthus spinoletta, netta rufina, lymnocryptes minimus, gallinago gallinago, poecile palustris, bucephala clangula, mergus serrator, alcedo atthis, dryobates minor, alauda arvensis, turdus viscivorus, melanitta fusca, ardea alba, certhia brachydactyla! Merci.
There are at least three hides here