
Craig Meagaidh NNR

Highlands, Scotland  >  United Kingdom

Mountainous National Nature Reserve of 4,000 hectares on north side of Glen Spean/Loch Laggan. Corries, lochans, scree slopes and high peaks.

Added* by Iain Crawford
Most recent update 10 november 2022
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Craig Meagaidh National Nature Reserve has five peaks over 1,000 metres/3,300 feet which are home to Havasi lile, Réti pityer, Hantmadár, Mezei pacsirta, Réti fülesbagoly, Kékes rétihéja, Szirti sas, vörös vércse, Kis sólyom, Vándorsólyom, Vörös kánya, Dolmányos varjú, Holló, Red Grouse, Örvös rigó, Hósármány and Sarki hófajd. Also red deer, roe deer, mountain hare, Scottish wild cat. Around the lower streams and lochs otters, water vole, Halászsas, Vízirigó and Jégmadár are possible.



The reserve car park is on the A86 main road from Fort William to Kingussie. 18 miles north of Spean Bridge and 21 miles south of Kingussie. Sarki hófajd and Havasi lile may be seen above 2,000 feet. Take water, food, wind- and water-proof clothing, charged mobile, map and compass, and check the weather forecast first.

The trail indicated on the map is 12 km one way. You can make the walk as long as you want, most people will not walk until the end, but turn around earlier.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Mountain , Canyon/cliff , Lake , Scattered trees and bushes , Grassland , Plateau , Tundra , Moors/heathland , River


Mountainous , Rocky , Hilly

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?


Good birding season

Spring , Summer

Best time to visit



Narrow trail , Wide path

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle

Birdwatching hide / platform



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