Rate birdingplace Kiessee und Innerste Ringelheim
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Naturally preserved river course and renaturalised gravel pit in Ringelheim.
The former gravel lake Kiessee und the naturally preserved river Innerste near Ringelheim attract a lot of birds. Along the beautiful, wild course of the Innerste river you can easily observe Jégmadár, barázdabillegető and Erdei cankó. Also beaver can be observed. Due to the old trees the area also holds Fekete harkály and közép fakopáncs. In the dense bushes you can often hear Fülemüle and Kakukk.
The gravel lake is home to many geese. Here Nílusi lúd, Nagy bukó, Bütykös ásólúd can also be seen. Lots of ducks, especially Kontyos réce. You can regularly observe Daru as well. Halászsas and Rétisas hunt over the lake. The dense reed belt provides good hiding places and attracts more birds. There are also many beaver and wild boar tracks.
The Kiessee und river Innerste are located just south of Salzgitter-Ringelheim. There are a few parking spaces for cars on the country road near the Franzosenbrücke. Press P on the map for directions to the parking spot. From here you can take a lovely circular walk of 6,5 km. The second section of the path is very overgrown in summer, but has great meadow sections and lots of wild herbs.