Rate birdingplace Monnet
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A unique 126 ha coastal meadow area on the southermost tip of the island of Tåsinge that is an important bird area for thousands of birds..
Previously, Monnet was an area of shallow water between the coast of Tåsinge and Vårø Knude, which at that time was one of the many islets south of Funen. Gradually, clay and silt became deposited and vegetation took root. The coastal meadow is today completely flat and crossed by many tidal canals. Only the 8m high Vårø Knude rises up in the landscape. The area is flooded by the sea in heavy storms and most of the meadow is therefore without bushes. Only the middle section is covered by scrub.
Several species of wader breed on Monnet, including Csigaforgató, Parti lile, Bíbic and Piroslábú cankó. Outside the breeding period, large flocks of staging ducks, geese and waders can be seen on the meadow or on the shallow water. The most common ducks to be seen are Bütykös ásólúd, Fütyülő réce, Csörgo réce, Nyílfarkú réce, Pehelyréce, Kerceréce and Örvös bukó. In winter, flocks of fenyőrigó and sárgacsőrű kenderike and a few parti pityer can be observed. The meadows are good hunting grounds for raptors. Rétisas is seen daily and Barna rétihéja arrives in summer. In winter Kékes rétihéja, Gatyás ölyv, Vándorsólyom and Réti fülesbagoly hunt in the area.
From Svendborg, follow route 9 south towards Rudkøbing. Less than 2km south of Bregninge on the island of Tåsinge, drive towards Skovballe. From Skovballe, a minor road – Monnetvej – leads to a car park around 7km to the east. Here there is an information board.
From the car park, a farm track leads to a little yellow cattleman’s cottage by the gate opening onto the meadow. By going round the left side of the house, one can find a path leading to a bird hide. The hide, which is behind the stone wall at the eastern end of Monnet, is around 1.5m above sea level. From here there are good views across the flat landscape and the mudflats towards Langodde to the south and across the rest of Monnet to the west. From the hide, one can follow the coast out to Vårø Knude, which is at the southernmost point. From here there is a wonderful view over large parts of the south Funen archipelago. It is permitted to walk everywhere along the coast and on the meadow, but there are restrictions during the period 15th March – 1st July due to breeding birds.