
Salisbury Plain

England  >  United Kingdom

Salisbury plain is a large open dry area with a lot farmland bird species. It is also the location where the Outarde barbue has been reintroduced.

Ajouté* par rolmops
Dernière actualisation 26 août 2024


Salisbury Plain is a chalk plateau in southern England covering 300 square miles (780 km2). The open grasslands of the plain are scattered with ancient historic monuments like Stonehenge, hill forts and tumuli. It is one of the largest chalk grasslands in Europe and it provides a unique and diverse habitat. You can expect to see see raptors like Milan royal and Busard des roseaux. Also other species typical for open plains like Oedicnème criard, Outarde barbue, Alouette des champs, Perdrix rouge, Caille des blés and Tarier des prés can be observed here.



Salisbury Plain lies within the county of Wiltshire, but also stretches into Hampshire. Note: a big part of the plain is inaccessible due to military presence but you can park in Tilshead or other nearby villages. The 10 km circular walk from Tilshead that is indicated on the map is accessible year round. This section of Salisbury Plain is part of the Defence Estate. You may meet army personnel engaging in military exercises whilst out walking. These activities are unlikely to affect your walk (live ammunition is not used here), but please follow any instructions from military personnel. Give way to military vehicles, do not interfere with any army activity and keep dogs under close control.

Terrain et Habitat

Prairie , Plaine


Sec , Paysage ouvert , Pas d'ombre



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Eté , Printemps

Meilleure période pour une visite



Route non pavée , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

The Outarde barbue lived in the UK until the mid 1800’s, when the species became a target for Victorian trophy hunters. In 2004 a reintroduction program started. The first release was in 2004, and they continued until 2019. Now a population of over 100 Outarde barbue is established in the UK. The population is now breeding at a level to be self-sufficient. For more information see the link below.


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