
RSPB Brading Marshes

Isle of Wight  >  United Kingdom

Brading Marshes is a reserve on the Isle of Wight which encompasses reclaimed marshland and wetland habitats in a coastal setting.

Ajouté* par Mick Whitham
Dernière actualisation 9 septembre 2020
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


Brading Marshes stretches from the village of Brading to the sea at Bembridge Harbour. It's a mix of reedbeds, marshes and ancient woodlands and a haven for a wide array of wildlife, ranging from Aigrette garzette and Pic vert to Busard des roseaux. In spring you see Vanneau huppé swoop over the marshes and you can hear the distinctive song of Bouscarle de Cetti.



The best access is by the island train to Brading station, which also makes an easy and fun day-trip from the mainland by directly-connecting train and ferry (Portsmouth to Ryde). Cars can park at the National Trust's Bembridge and Culver Down nearby.

The best way to discover the reserve is to follow one of the waymarked routes from either Brading station or Bembridge Windmill. Take the footpath up the road from the station. Follow the green signs through the housing estate. Carefully cross the railway tracks, then follow the path to North Marsh along Laundry Lane (the old railway line) or take the path diagonally across the marshes to the old sea wall. Brading Marshes is crossed by a network of public and permissive paths. These take you through a varied landscape, rich in important habitats and wildlife. Explore reedbeds, marshes and ancient woodlands.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Roselière , Forêt , Prairie , Vasières


Plat , Marécageux , Paysage ouvert



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