

Kent  >  United Kingdom

A productive area of salt marsh and pebble beach where the North Sea is in ascendency over the estuary of the River Thames.

Ajouté* par Terence Baker
Dernière actualisation 13 mars 2023


As well as a good mixture of birds, the Reculver area has history and sweeping views of the part of the River Thames where it is obvious the North Sea begins. Thus, it receives a mixture of marsh specialties, sea-faring migrants, some of which will have been blown farther up the Thames than is normal due to high winds, especially northerlies, and winter migrants. Some rarities have been found here, too.

The ruins of the church dominate the area, and this is where walks begin and end from a pay-for car park. There has been a monastery or church here since the 7th Century, with its last reincarnation having largely been destroyed by a winter storm in 1807. There also are remnants of a Roman fort that is even older. About a mile along the sea wall heading east is a lagoon that sees some sheltering birds, but any number of species can be seen along the footpaths cutting across the marsh. Among the birds that you can encounter are Cygne de Bewick, Macreuse noire, Plongeon catmarin, Bruant des neiges, Rougequeue noir, Alouette haussecol, Hibou des marais, Bernache cravant, Bruant proyer and Bruant jaune.



Reculver is on the Thames Path/Saxon Shore footpath. The easiest way to get here is by car, and there is adequate parking. The two rail stations of Birchington (to the east) and Herne Bay (to the west) are a good hour's walk away, but provide good opportunities of birding. The Downs near Herne Hill often produces species such as Traquet motteux and Tarier des prés and afterwards a great view of Reculver as one heads down across a golf course.

Terrain et Habitat

Rivière , Mer/océan , Vasières , Plage , Zone humide , Agriculture


Plat , Niveau d'eau élevé probable



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite

Hiver , Migration printanière , Migration automnale


Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

There has been a remarkable effort of birding this area since the early 1960s by birder Chris Hindle (see reculverbirding.blogspot.com link below), a wonderful exercise in perserverance and good field craft. Of the rarities seen here, peruse that site; the Pie-grièche masquée (5th for the U.K. was found just beyond the lagoon, on Shuart Marshes in October 2019; one of two Héron pourpré have been known. Reculver is a particularly good spot for winter-visiting Bruant des neiges.


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