
Nagshead RSPB and Cannop Ponds

West Midlands  >  United Kingdom

Mature oak woodland, conifers and ponds at the centre of the Forest of Dean.

Ajouté* par Iain Crawford
Dernière actualisation 30 juillet 2022


Nagshead has a mixture of habitats including woodland, ponds, glades and rides. Nagshead has good parking facilities, a visitor centre, hides and information boards. You can see fallow deer and wild boar. Woodland birds: Rougequeue à front blanc, Pipit des arbres, Bécasse des bois, Grand Corbeau, Épervier d'Europe, Gobemouche gris, Gobemouche noir and 3 woodpecker species.Cannop has waterfowl such as Canard mandarin and Fuligule morillon, also Cincle plongeur downstream.



Equidistant from Hereford, Gloucester, Bristol and Newport. Turn off B4431, a half mile west of Parkend village. A rather uneven and dusty track to car park of Nagshead. Cannop is north of Parkend, the main car park is off Speech House road B4226, shortly east of the crossroads. Picnic tables, can be crowded in summer. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice.

For a circular walk head north from Nagshead, cross the road to Cannop, and return via cycle track.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Landes/bruyères , Lac , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Roselière , Rivière


Vallonné , Plat , Marécageux



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Eté , Printemps , Hiver

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