
Isle of Colonsay

Argyll and Bute, Scotland  >  United Kingdom

Small island off west coast of Scotland, with range of habitats and some specialist birds, including rapotors, sea birds and farmland birds.

Ajouté* par Nick Blinston
Dernière actualisation 13 décembre 2022
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


The Isle of Colonsay is an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland and measures 13 kilometres in length and reaches 5 km at its widest point. Because the range of habitats Colonsay is good for birding at almost any time of year. Sea cliffs containing Guillemot de Troïl, Guillemot à miroir, Fulmar boréal and Mouette tridactyle. Bays which can hold three species of divers. Woodland with a range of raptors including Pygargue à queue blanche, Aigle royal and Busard Saint-Martin. Farmland birds including Râle des genêts and Linotte à bec jaune. Also bays and tidal waters containing shore birds. In winter an internationally important area for Bernache nonnette.



Access to the island via 4 hour ferry from Oban, Scotland, which in itself is often good for observing sea birds. Accommodation can be found on the island, ranging from hotel, bed and breakfast, bunk house and self-catering accommodation. Sites can be visited by car, bike or foot.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Canyon/falaise , Plage , Vasières , Agriculture , Mer/océan , Dunes , Prairie , Landes/bruyères


Vallonné , Rocailleux



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Route pavée , Route non pavée , Sentier large

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Durée de la marche

Accessible via

Bateau , A pied , Vélo , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


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