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Mixed habitat surrounding main lake. You can walk around the lake and lot's of nice birds to see.
Nice lake for birding. Mixed habitat surrounding the main lake. There is one birdhide, a visitor centre with cafe and toilets.
Nice birds that were seen last year in the Hollingworth Lake area: Avocette élégante, Aigrette garzette, Milan royal, Mouette pygmée, Mouette mélanocéphale, Tarier des prés, Rougequeue à front blanc, Barge à queue noire, Fuligule milouin, Macreuse noire, Bécasseau sanderling, Garrot à oeil d'or, Guifette noire, Courlis corlieu, Merle à plastron, Pluvier argenté, Cygne chanteur and Bernache nonnette.
Rare birds seen at Hollingworth Lake over the years include Grèbe à bec bigarré from North America, Glaréole à collier and Échasse blanche from Southern Europe, Goéland bourgmestre from the High Arctic, and Oie rieuse and Tadorne casarca.
Pay and display car parks around lake, start at vistor centre and follow road/track anti clockwise around lake, taking in hide for views of the small lagoon.
Road Directions: From M62 J21: Take first left onto A640. At traffic lights turn right, then at mini roundabout turn left up Kiln Lane. Up the hill, turn left just before the Gallows pub onto B6225. Go to the end of the road, turn right and Hollingworth Lake is at the top of the hill, on the right hand side. For the Country Park Visitor Centre, continue along the lake frontage and turn right at The Wine Press into Rakewood Road. The Visitor Centre is signposted on the left.
Public Transport Directions: From Smithy Bridge or Littleborough rail stations: Follow the main road uphill for 10 minutes to the Lake. Buses 452, 455, & 456 from Rochdale bus station, 452 & 455 from Littleborough.
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