
Cathkin Marsh Wildlife Reserve

Greater Glasgow  >  United Kingdom

Beautiful area of fen and marshy grassland that is home to many birds.

Ajouté* par Craig
Dernière actualisation 10 avril 2021


Cathkin Marsh Wildlife Reserve is a beautiful area of fen and marshy grassland. It is home to many birds which can be viewed from a hide and a boardwalk. The hide overlooks a pond where Cygne tuberculé, Grèbe castagneux, Râle d'eau, Bruant des roseaux, Bécassine des marais and other birds can be seen. Troglodyte mignon and Râle d'eau are often seen near the boardwalk. Sometimes in winter Hibou des marais can be seen. Other species on the marsh include Pipit farlouse and Bouvreuil pivoine and a seasonal highlight, Locustelle tachetée, is unmistakeable singing in the reeds in spring.



Take the M77 from Glasgow. Exit at Junction 3 and follow the A726 to East Kilbride. After 3.5 miles, turn left onto Carmunnock Road (B759) to Carmunnock village. From the village, continue north along Cathkin Road (B759) for about 0.5 miles then turn right onto a minor road. The reserve is located about 1 mile on the left. There is space for two cars to park opposite the reserve entrance. Access to the reserve is through a wooden gate and down the hedged track.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide


Paysage ouvert



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Printemps , Migration automnale , Migration printanière


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