
Big Waters Nature Reserve

Northumberland  >  United Kingdom

Northumberland Wildlife Trust nature reserve of 25 hectares. A parkland around flash created from former mining subsidence.

Ajouté* par Rob Fox
Dernière actualisation 17 avril 2024


Big Waters Nature Reserve is one of the largest bodies of open water in the region. A lake habitat for wildfowl with some woodland and open fields. Some reedbeds. Wintering wildfowl, particularly Canard siffleur, Sarcelle d'hiver, Oie cendrée, also Garrot à oeil d'or, Canard souchet, Fuligule milouin, Fuligule morillon and Harle bièvre. The feeding station at the west end attracts Mésange boréale, Moineau friquet, Tarin des aulnes, and Bruant jaune as well as other commoner species. A drake Canard d'Amérique has been present every winter since late 2020 (commuting at times to nearby Milkhope, so not continuously present).



Car park at reserve. Close to A1, junction 79. Take B1318, north to Wideopen, then left at traffic lights after Lockey Park, into Stalks Lane. Continue 2 km through Brunswick Village to end of houses on right (north) side of the road, then right into metalled track leading to reserve parking. Easily accessible by bus (service 45 from Newcastle) and bike. Access around the reserve is mainly on raised boardwalk which is suitable for wheelchair and pushchair users. The terrain is mostly wide boardwalks, and is flat and easy. Note: Access to the western section of the reserve is restricted to Northumberland Wildlife Trust members.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Roselière , Agriculture , Lac





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Hiver , Printemps


Route pavée , Sentier large

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A pied , Fauteuil roulant

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