
Lake Nazik

Bitlis  >  Turkey

This is an oligotrophic lake. Fuligule morillon, Fuligule milouin and many other waterbirds make it an impressive lake in winter.

Ajouté* par Lider Sinav
Dernière actualisation 20 février 2023


Lake Nazik has many waterbirds in winter. Goéland ichthyaète, Harle huppé, Tadorne casarca, Fuligule morillon, Fuligule milouin, Canard colvert and oter water birds can be seen in the area. Also Chevêche d'Athéna, Alouette calandre, Faucon pèlerin and other species can be seen around the lake. The landscape is beautifull in winter when it is covered by snow. The reed beds do not cover vast areas on the lake shore. However, the vast surface of the lake makes it important for waterbirds where they can gather in big flocks. Also Bécassine des marais, Chevalier guignette and other shore birds can be seen there. Nice to go there because it is natural lake where you can see habitat diversity of Eastern Anatolia.



Best way to go to Lake Nazik and explore the area is by car. One of the main roads is passing nearby to the lake. You can watch birds on several locations. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Montagnes , Steppe , Lac , Vasières , Ville/village , Agriculture , Prairie , Arbres et buissons disséminés


Plat , Vallonné , Rocailleux , Sec , Montagneux , Marécageux , Paysage ouvert



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Saison idéale pour observer

Printemps , Hiver , Automne

Meilleure période pour une visite

Hiver , Migration printanière , Migration automnale


Route pavée , Sentier étroit , Route non pavée , Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire

Durée de la marche

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