
Lake Eğirdir

Isparta  >  Turkey

Fourth largest lake in Turkey. Every winter, thousands of diving ducks and Foulque macroule come to the lake for wintering.

Ajouté* par Lider Sinav
Dernière actualisation 11 décembre 2022


Lake Eğirdir has an area of 482 square kilometres. It is the fourth largest lake in Turkey, and the second largest freshwater lake. The landscape and bird diversity are impressive. Every winter, thousands of diving ducks and Foulque macroule come to the lake for wintering. Such big flocks of birds are impressive in the area. It easy to reach the lake and make a circular route around the lake. Among the birds you can spot are Fuligule milouin, Fuligule morillon, Foulque macroule, Nette rousse, Fuligule nyroca, Cormoran pygmée, Grèbe huppé, Pygargue à queue blanche and Canard siffleur.



It is easy to reach the lake by car. Public transportation is also possible. The best way to explore the area is car. You can park on the roadside almost everywhere. It is a huge lake, so it takes a lot of time to explore the area and you should take the distances into account. For example, driving all the way around the lake is more than 150 km.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Plaine , Montagnes , Forêt , Prairie , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Roselière , Ville/village , Agriculture , Vasières , Lac , Plage


Vallonné , Rocailleux , Plat , Montagneux , Marécageux , Paysage ouvert



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Saison idéale pour observer

Hiver , Printemps

Meilleure période pour une visite

Printemps , Migration printanière , Hiver


Route pavée , Sentier large , Route non pavée

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

Voiture , Vélo

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