
Birecik - Euphrates Valley

Urfa  >  Turkey

Birecik has a Ibis chauve population which include the last relatives of the wild individuals in captivity. Also, several (semi)desert species can be seen.

Ajouté* par Lider Sinav
Dernière actualisation 27 janvier 2023


The Birecik - Euphrates Valley area has a unique charm for bird watchers which stretches along the Euphrates. If you want to be in a special area in terms of birds and landscape, Birecik and surroundings would be one of the best place to go. The first place that you can go is the Ibis chauve breeding place where the officers are employed to feed and preserve them in captivity. This location is shown on the map. Beside, you can find a link below where you can learn about the history of the species in Turkey. Also, several local bird enthusiast lives there that you can be in contact with them.

Along the Euphrates, in the past, there were many gravel pits where you can see ponds in the river bed now. After filled up of the Karkamış Dam all the gravel pits have become suitable ponds with the surrounded reed beds. These ponds are favoured places for many waterbirds especially duck species such as Fuligule nyroca, Nette rousse, Canard colvert and much more. You can see the ducklings along the river in June.

There are many (semi)desert related species that can be seen such as Élanion blanc, Moineau de la mer Morte, Iraq Babbler, Yellow-throated Sparrow, See-see Partridge, Petit-duc de Bruce and Roselin de Lichtenstein.

Moineau de la mer Morte breeds on the gardens where are the scattered trees. The Petit-duc de Bruce can be found in a specific location where the Populus euphratica's old trees take place in a park in the city. This park has been located on the map. The Yellow-throated Sparrow and the Roselin de Lichtenstein can be seen in a specific location which is shown on the map.



You can reach the Birecik - Euphrates Valley best by car. Also, public transport and intercity transportation is available to reach this area. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Vallée , Rivière , Dunes , Roselière , Ville/village , Agriculture , Canyon/falaise , Steppe , Désert


Plat , Vallonné , Rocailleux , Sec , Paysage ouvert , Poussiéreux



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Printemps , Migration automnale , Migration printanière , Eté


Route pavée , Sentier large , Route non pavée , Sentier étroit

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Vélo , Voiture

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