
Lavin meadows

Engadin/Graubünden  >  Switzerland

Lavin is a village located close to Zerzen, which is surrounded by mountains. A good place to look for alpine and migratory birds.

Ajouté* par Jan Lock
Dernière actualisation 20 août 2020


The Lavin meadows are a good place for birdwatching as they have a large diversity of alpine and migratory birds. The scrub area around the Lavin meadows is home to species such as Pie-grièche écorcheur, Traquet motteux and Tarier des prés. In the small areas of woodland you can see Pouillot de Bonelli and Fauvette à tête noire which are both nice birds to see. The rarities that annually occur in the village include Huppe fasciée which can be seen during migration, and Tichodrome échelette can also be spotted during winter.



You can get to Lavin by coming from Susch ( another small village close by) and continuing to follow the train tracks until you get to Lavin. Once you get to Lavin you then have to continue going straight, until you reach the town square. At the fountain in the town square where you can park on the left side opposite to the other half of the square ( the Hotel/Cafe is on the other half). Click on the P in the map to go there directly.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Montagnes , Forêt , Vallée


Montagneux , Rocailleux , Paysage ouvert



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Hiver , Eté , Migration printanière , Migration automnale


Sentier étroit , Sentier large

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