

Stockholms län  >  Sweden

A stream, a forest, a park, reed beds and a bird feeding station that attracts many different species of winter birds.

Ajouté* par Jaakko Myrli-Koski
Dernière actualisation 24 mars 2024
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


Tyresö Palace (Tyresöslott) is a 17th-century palace in Tyresö, about 25 km south-east of central Stockholm. The area around Tyresöslott is varied and there are many different types of habitat, which attracts birds of various kinds. There is rushing water in the Follbrink stream where Cincle plongeur can be spotted. If you are lucky, you may see Martin-pêcheur d'Europe catching fish in the stream. Further down the stream there is a bird feeding station where you have the opportunity to see many different kinds of winter birds such as Gros-bec casse-noyaux, Mésange à longue queue, Sizerin flammé, Tarin des aulnes, Verdier d'Europe, Chardonneret élégant, Pic épeiche, Mésange noire, Sittelle torchepot, Rougegorge familier, Mésange charbonnière, Mésange bleue, Pinson du Nord and many more.

If you follow the stream, you have a chance to observe Harle bièvre, Cygne tuberculé, Canard colvert, Cygne chanteur, Oie cendrée, Héron cendré, Pic vert, , Fauvette à tête noire, Chouette hulotte, Grimpereau des bois, Pouillot fitis, Pie-grièche écorcheur and many more species.

In the air there are often Pygargue à queue blanche, Épervier d'Europe, Faucon hobereau, Grand Corbeau, Autour des palombes and others. Further down in the park there is a small island called Notholmen. There you can see, among other birds, Panure à moustaches. In the reeds and in the water also many different kinds of ducks.



Tyresöslott is located 25 km south-east of Stockholm. To reach Tyresöslott you can take public transport (subway) from Stockholm central to Gullmarsplan and take bus 875 or 873 to Tyresökyrka. It is also perfectly possible to take the car via road 73 towards Nynäshamn and turn off towards tiresö to road 229 at the Gubbängen traffic stop. Click on a P in the map for directions to a parking. The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 4 km.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Étang , Lac , Mer/océan , Parc , Roselière


Plat , Paysage ouvert



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Printemps , Hiver


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Accessible via

Vélo , Voiture , Bateau , Fauteuil roulant , A pied

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