

Västra Götaland  >  Sweden

Lake Marsjön and the surrounding wetland and wet meadows attract many birds. From a bird observation tower you can overlook the area.

Ajouté* par Mikael Eliasson
Dernière actualisation 31 mai 2022
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


Marsjön consists of one of several shallow lakes in Viskan's upper valley. The meadows are often flooded in early spring. The meadows are grazed and hold high natural values. Bird life is dominated by resting ducks, and waders, mainly in spring but also in late summer and autumn. As well as interesting nesting species such as Chevalier culblanc, Chevalier sylvain, Bécassine des marais, Bergeronnette printanière, Tarier pâtre, Bruant des roseaux, Phragmite des joncs and Rousserolle effarvatte. Among the birds of prey that are seen regularly are Balbuzard pêcheur, Milan royal, Busard des roseaux, Faucon crécerelle, Pygargue à queue blanche and Faucon pèlerin.



From Varnum's church you drive towards Fristad and after Väla jaktvårdsgård turn left on Marsjövägen. Park at the information board and walk west to a parking lot on the left hand side. Out on the open meadows you find a bird observation tower. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Zone humide , Lac , Prairie


Marécageux , Paysage ouvert



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Printemps , Automne , Eté

Meilleure période pour une visite

Migration printanière , Migration automnale


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