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Herrebro is a bird eldorado in miniature. The site may be little but has a great variety of nesting birds with an impressing list of interesting observations.
Herrebro Våtmark is characterized by a rich wetland birdlife, with noisy summer nights and intriguing bird areas. Over 210 bird species has been observed on the sight, with most recent rarities such as Aigrette garzette, Chevalier bargette, Grèbe à cou noir, Héron garde-boeufs and Mouette mélanocéphale. At Herrebro wetland there is a bird tower with a great view over the area, a bird hide with good opportunities to close contact with wetland birds and footbridges in the marshlands for visitors. At the adjacent old local dump site, Herrebrotippen, visitors can wander through intriguing bird areas with dams, canals and trenches.
Typical wetland species such as Grèbe castagneux, Grèbe esclavon, Sarcelle d'été, Canard souchet, Gallinule poule-d'eau, Chevalier gambette, Petit Gravelot and Mouette rieuse can be found nesting at Herrebro wetland. In addition, great amounts of ducks and small flocks of swans, geese and waders of species such as Cygne chanteur, Bernache nonnette, Canard pilet, Canard siffleur, Sarcelle d'hiver, Chevalier arlequin, Combattant varié and Chevalier sylvain can be seen in the area. Pic épeichette and Mésange à longue queue nests in the adjacent marshlands. The high amount and variety of bird species also attracts bird of prey such as Pygargue à queue blanche, Busard des roseaux and Faucon hobereau who regularly visits the area.
The old local dump site, Herrebrotippen, is a tip-top bird site for nocturnal songsters such as Râle des genêts, Locustelle tachetée, Rousserolle verderolle och Rossignol progné. In addition, Rousserolle des buissons and Locustelle fluviatile flodsångare has been visiting occasionally. Nesting Chouette hulotte can be found in the adjacent forests. In the autum, the site is visited by migrating birds such as Bécassine sourde, Gorgebleue à miroir and Pipit à gorge rousse. Smaller flocks of Sizerin flammé, Chardonneret élégant and Linotte à bec jaune can be seen wintering in the area as well as Pie-grièche grise and Buse pattue.
Herrebro wetland and Herrebrotippen is located about six km southwest of central Norrköping. The site can easily be reach by bike, bus or car.
Traveling by car: From the city of Norrköping, drive on "Riksvägen/Linköpingsvägen" and follow the signpostings toward "Borgs kyrka". Drive by the sliproad towards E4 and turn left at a dirt road with the sign "Våtmark P" to reach the parking lot. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the parking lot there is additional maps and signings that guides the visitor towards the bird tower and bird hide at Herrebro wetland. Near the church "Borgs kyrka" there is an additional parking lot next to the road "Riksvägen/Linköpingsvägen". Herrebrotippen can be reached directly by foot from Herrebro wetland.
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