
Flyinge Kungsgård

Skåne  >  Sweden

A wetland that is sometimes good for rare gulls. Many other birds can be seen.

Ajouté* par Johan Andersson
Dernière actualisation 23 août 2021
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


Flyinge Kungsgård is a small town and a manor house with stallion depot and stud farm. The pond that borders the farm is a good place for different birds and gulls all year round. Above all, Goéland pontique that do not breed in Sweden but sometimes also rare gulls such as Goéland à ailes blanches and Goéland bourgmestre. Martin-pêcheur d'Europe can be seen at the pond and gulls both in the pond and the surrounding area. Cigogne blanche nest on the buildings. Various ducks can occur in the pond and swallows nest in nearby buildings. Milan royal are seen regularly all year round and Pygargue à queue blanche can fly past or another bird of prey that is nesting in the neighborhood.



Park at Kungsgården and explore the area from there.

Terrain et Habitat

Ville/village , Zone humide , Agriculture


Paysage ouvert



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Toute l'année

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Printemps , Hiver , Automne


Route non pavée

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Accessible via

A pied , Fauteuil roulant , Vélo

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