

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Eknön is an island and nature reserve on the edge the bay of Slätbaken. It has large amounts of coastal meadows and old deciduous forest.

Ajouté* par Ludwig Gustafsson
Dernière actualisation 2 février 2022


On the island Eknön 204 bird species have been recorded. On the island you can find large amounts of passerine birds like Pouillot fitis, Troglodyte mignon, Mésange nonnette, Pouillot siffleur and Pinson des arbres. Among these it is not uncommon to find rarer species like Pouillot verdâtre, Locustelle fluviatile, Loriot d'Europe, Gobemouche à collier (has nested on the island) and Gobemouche nain. As the island is scarcley visited it is unclear if these are regular or not.

On the coastal meadows waders are often found like Combattant varié, Chevalier gambette, Chevalier aboyeur and Grand Gravelot. Dabbling ducks often feed around in the shallow waters and on the meadows. Grande Aigrette is a regular bird on the island. The coastal meadows also attracts large amounts of Cygne chanteur, and dabbling ducks. Large amounts of Sarcelle d'hiver, Canard chipeau, and Canard siffleur use them as resting grounds. Along with smaller concentrations of Canard souchet, Sarcelle d'été, and Canard pilet.

In the winter thousands of Fuligule morillon (as many as 5000) and Harle bièvre can be seen feeding. With them often less regular birds like Harle piette and Fuligule milouinan. In the reed beds Panure à moustaches, Rousserolle turdoïde, Phragmite des joncs, Rousserolle effarvatte, Bruant des roseaux and Butor étoilé can be found.



Eknön Nature Reserve is only accessible by private boat. It's pretty shallow waters around the island and few natural landing sites so a smaller boat or kayak is recommended. At Skansudden next to Ettersundet there is an information board with signs about the area's peculiar nature and the regulations that apply in the reserve. Further information can be found on a bulletin board about the middle of the island adjacent to the large beach meadow.

The whole of Eknön is well worth a visit but there are no facilities for outdoor recreation. Please note that the whole island is claimed with grazing animals. Avoid disturbing the grazing animals and keep safe distances to avoid incidents.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Zone humide , Plage , Vasières , Mer/océan , Roselière , Agriculture , Plaine , Montagnes


Plat , Vallonné , Paysage ouvert , Sablonneux , Marécageux



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Saison idéale pour observer

Printemps , Automne

Meilleure période pour une visite

Printemps , Automne , Migration automnale , Migration printanière


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