
Ändsjöns Naturreservat

Jämtland  >  Sweden

Easy accessible shallow lake on Frösön island. A beautiful circular walk of 3 km leads you around the lake and gives the chance to see many birds.

Ajouté* par Lars Häreblad
Dernière actualisation 4 mai 2022


Ändsjöns nature reserve on Frösön island has a constructed walking trail of 3 km that circles the lake and there is a birdwatching tower on the northern end. The lake is shallow, surrounded by reeds, and there is a great variety of species here. There is a large and noisy colony of Mouette rieuse. There are large numbers of different species of waterfowl, such as Grèbe huppé, Grèbe esclavon, Fuligule milouin and Sarcelle d'hiver. A pair of Grue cendrée usually breed here, as does the Busard des roseaux that is often seen hovering over the reeds looking for prey. There are different types of small birds in the forest surrounding the lake. In late spring and early summer, the bird song is intensive, especially in the mornings and evenings. Among the other birds you can encounter are Cygne chanteur, Canard souchet, Garrot à oeil d'or, Harle bièvre, Plongeon catmarin, Bouvreuil pivoine and Bruant des roseaux.



The largest parking is at Skidleken on Lövstavägen. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The city buses no. 9 stop at the Frösö Skidlek stop.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Lac , Roselière


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