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The sacred Montaña de Tindaya is the impressive backdrop to the relatively flat and arid Tindaya plain which spans from the base of the mountain to the ocean.
This is a must location for birding on the Island and many of the desert species can be found here Outarde houbara , Courvite isabelle , Ganga unibande along with Oedicnème criard (Stone-Curlew) , Pie-grièche grise (Southern Grey Shrike) , Tarier des Canaries , Alouette pispolette , Fauvette à lunettes , Pipit de Berthelot , Vautour percnoptère , Roselin githagine Perdrix gambra to mention a few.
Accessed from the FV10 road and signposted, drive through the village passed Restaurante Los Podomorfos keeping left at the fork on Calle Virgen de la Caridad past a goat farm on the left. There are a series of tracks which cut through and across the plain, most can be driven without 4x4, explore them all.
Drive on all the tracks slowly using the car as a hide, morning and late afternoon are the best times as the climate gets hot and birds can be difficult to see and photograph in the heat haze. The area also has its own micro climate due to the mountain, it can be raining here and clear down the road. Visit more than once if you can, you will something differnt each time. You can also head NW to the Playa de Esquinzo, where the viewpoint is excellent for Phaéton à bec rouge in early summer.
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