
Laguna de La Albuera

Extremadura  >  Spain

A series of temporary lakes and ponds that are a great place for birdwatching. More than 150 species of birds have been seen here.

Ajouté* par Julio
Dernière actualisation 7 janvier 2023


Lakes of La Albuera consists of a series of temporary Mediterranean lakes and ponds (Lagunas Grande, Llana, Marciega, Chica, del Burro, del Carril and other, smaller ones), small areas of saline steppe habitats and open dehesa of Holm oaks. The birds that reside in this series of wetland areas over the course of the year is of high diversity. In total more than 150 species of birds have been recorded here.

In spring typical species nesting in the area are Grèbe huppé, Grèbe castagneux, Canard chipeau and Grèbe à cou noir. Also waders like Échasse blanche, Glaréole à collier and Vanneau huppé. Also Guifette moustac can be seen. Busard des roseaux breeds at the lake some years. In winter there are large populations of Oie cendrée, Sarcelle d'hiver, Canard pilet, Canard souchet, Canard siffleur, Nette rousse and Fuligule milouin, (which breed some years). The area is also a traditional area for Grue cendrée to winter and feed in (over 1000 individuals), using the lake Laguna Grande to roost). Passage migrants include some flocks of Spatule blanche, Sarcelle d'été, Chevalier gambette and Combattant varié. In the Holm oak dehesa around the lakes there are breeding species such as Élanion blanc, Aigle botté, Pie ibérique, Fauvette orphée, Huppe fasciée, as well as many other bird species.



The best way to reach the area is via the N-432 (Badajoz-Granada), which you can take towards La Albuera either from the city of Badajoz itself, from the north, or from Zafra via the A-66, from the south.

access the complex of lakes starts in La Albuera and can be done in half a day, partly by car, partly on foot. Take the N-432 southwards from this town, towards Zafra, and after about 6 km, at kilometre point 29.400 (at this point there is an information panel about the natural area) turn left onto a small dirt track. Park your car by the road and walk straight along the track for about 2 km, which will take you to the centre of the complex of lakes formed by Lagunas de la Marciega, Laguna Grande and Laguna Llana, all of which are amongst the Holm oaks of Dehesa del Caballo. Next go back to your car and about 100 m further down the road you will find another track on the left that will take you to the lake Laguna Chica, about 1 km distance, going past the farmhouse Cortijo de las Nateras Altas. The lake called Laguna del Burro, which is very shallow, is reached by the road called Carril de las Vacas, which is also a left turn off the N-432, at kilometre point 27.300. Park your car by the road again and after walking for 1.7 km you will see the lake on the right. Other lakes belonging to this complex can be found next to the N-432, at kilometre points 31.500 (Laguna del Carril) and 33.000 (Laguna de La Gitana).

Terrain et Habitat

Lac , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Zone humide


Plat , Paysage ouvert



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite

Printemps , Migration automnale , Migration printanière


Route non pavée , Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire

Durée de la marche

Accessible via

A pied , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

This route can be done at any time of the year, except, maybe, the middle of the scorching summer. However, it’s recommended to do it in spring (March-May) or winter (December-February). Bear in mind, however, that in the winter the state of the tracks is often very poor, due to the clayey nature of the land, mud and water. Also we should mention that it’s only in years of normal rainfall, with plenty of rain in autumn and spring, that the lakes contain water throughout the rainy period; if not, they can remain completely dry for the whole year.

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