
Laguna de Caracuel

Castilla La Mancha  >  Spain

The Lagoon of Caracuel is an important wintering and breeding area for birds. In this wetland of only 70 hectare many bird species can be seen.

Ajouté* par Julio
Dernière actualisation 6 septembre 2020
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


The area was formed in a depression resulting from underground volcanic explosions caused by the approach of magmas to the surface. The nearly 70 hectares of the seasonal Lagoon of Caracuel has in recent years become a natural eden for waterfowl with high concentrations of birds. In certain months of the year more than 6,000 birds of 68 different species of birds are present. But the amounts of birds are very much dependent on the level of the water and time of year.

The Foulque macroule has sometimes reached numbers of 4000 here. Also other birds can sometimes occur in great numbers. Like sometimes more than 300 Fuligule milouin, 500 Canard chipeau, 600 Canard souchet, or more than 600 Cigogne blanche. Also note the concentrations of Flamant rose with sometimes up to 700 individuals, and Grèbe à cou noir with up to 400. But many more birds can be seen in lesser numbers, depending as noted before on the time of the year and the waterlevel. For the birds you are most likely to see, see the extended list below.



From Ciudad Real the area is accessed by the N-420. After the town of Caracuel de Calatrava, you take a right turn on the CM-4115 towards Villamayor de Calatrava through which you access the lagoon approximately 1.5 km. from Caracuel, bordering it on its east and south side. There is a bird observatory located on the southern bank of the lagoon.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Lac


Paysage ouvert , Plat , Pas d'ombre



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Migration printanière , Migration automnale , Printemps


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