
Camping Monfragüe Road

Reserva de la Biósfera Monfragüe, Extremadura  >  Spain

One way roadside trail that can be followed for a couple of kilometres. Several typical birds of the region can be seen here, especially in the evening.

Ajouté* par Mats van Kasteren
Dernière actualisation 14 juillet 2023


This trail near Camping Monfragüe offers a relaxed and easy way to explore the dehesa system so typical of the region and its birds. It basically constitutes a stony track paralell to the EX-208 leading from Camping Monfragüe towards the National Park. Because of its proximity to the park's proper and its location in the heart of the Monfragüe Biosphere reserve, it offers chances to see some of the most typical inhabitants of the area, like Vautour moine, Vautour fauve, Vautour percnoptère, Circaète Jean-le-Blanc and Milan noir. Several smaller species are commonly spotted here as well: Pie-grièche à tête rousse is very common, so is Pie ibérique but Traquet oreillard, Loriot d'Europe are often seen as well. Some of the rarer encounters we have had are Outarde canepetière, Aigle de Bonelli and Agrobate roux.

Keeping an eye to the sky will most certainly offer views of many raptors, whereas the smaller species can be spotted in the scrubland and among the dehesa oaks.



Easily reached from Camping Monfragüe. Just cross the road and take the first sandy trail opposite the visitor centre on the other side of the road.

Terrain et Habitat

Plaine , Forêt , Agriculture , Prairie , Arbres et buissons disséminés


Plat , Sablonneux , Rocailleux , Sec , Paysage ouvert , Poussiéreux



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