
Observatório Ribeira da Granja

Porto  >  Portugal

On the northern bank of the Douro river, this observatory has a clear view over the small island right in front of it and the river.

Ajouté* par João Lima
Dernière actualisation 4 février 2022


In the middle of an urban area, the Douro estuary is an important feeding, resting and shelter area for many species of birds. On the northern bank of the river, opposite to the natural reserve on the southern bank (see the Estuário do Douro birdingplace), there is a small observatory. Different from a classic hide, this observatory is actually a metal structure and a stone bench, facing the river. The observatory, located at the mouth of the Granja stream, provides a good view over the sandbanks, mudflats and islands in front of it and over the river beyond them.

This observatory is particularly interesting during the low tide, when the sandbanks, mudflats and islands attract species like Héron cendré, Aigrette garzette, Grand Cormoran, Canard colvert, Grand Gravelot, Bécasseau sanderling, Tournepierre à collier, Chevalier guignette and Bergeronnette des ruisseaux. This is also a great place to observe seagulls. The most common species are Goéland leucophée, Goéland brun, Mouette rieuse and Mouette mélanocéphale. However, keep an eye out for less common gulls like Goéland cendré, Goéland à bec cerclé, Goéland argenté and Goéland marin. The Martin-pêcheur d'Europe and Grèbe castagneux can also be seen feeding in the water closer to the observatory, while theSterne caugek is often observed fishing up and down the river.

Turning your back on the river, the surrounding gardens and trees should also be scouted, as they attract other species. Bergeronnette grise, Rougequeue à front blanc, Merle noir and Étourneau unicolore can be seen feeding on the grass, while Pouillot véloce, Serin cini, Verdier d'Europe and Chardonneret élégant can be observed perched in the surrounding trees.



You can reach the area by car, bus, tram or bike. There are a couple of bus and tram stops near the observatory, all named "Fluvial" (bus lines: 207, 500 and 504; tram lines: 1 and 18). If you decide to drive, there is a "free of charge" park across the observatory (on the other side of the Granja stream), between the river and the road.

Start by looking on the river and the islands, mud flats and sandbanks from the observatory. After that, you can walk downstream (westwards) along the riverside until the end of the Calém garden. You can then circle back, walk past the observatory and over the small bridge. Walk close to the water and take a good look at the sandbank immediately east of the parking lot. This concludes the visit.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Rivière , Vasières , Ville/village


Marécageux , Rocailleux , Paysage ouvert



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Route pavée , Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Fauteuil roulant

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

This observatory is particularly interesting during the low tide, so check the tides table by clicking on the link below.


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