
Albufeira da Toulica

Castelo Branco  >  Portugal

Small reservoir with several species of waterfowl. The surrounding area is maybe even better and has birds like Coucou geai.

Ajouté* par Julio
Dernière actualisation 4 novembre 2022


Albufeira da Toulica is a small reservoir that is a nice place for birding. The national road 332 runs along the dam and provides a good view of the reservoir. Paths also run along both banks. The surrounding fields and scattered trees and scrubby areas are even more interesting. And don't forget to look up for birds of prey. Among the birds you can encounter in the area are Caille des blés, Perdrix rouge, Coucou geai, Petit Gravelot, Chevalier guignette, Cigogne blanche, Élanion blanc, Vautour moine, Pie ibérique, Guêpier d'Europe, Pie-grièche méridionale, Rossignol philomèle, Fauvette pitchou and Huppe fasciée.


Português: Nesta pequena albufeira ocorrem diversas espécies de aves aquáticas, enquanto que a zona envolvente alberga diversas espécies terrestres interessantes.



The Albufeira da Toulica reservoir is located about 50 km east from the city of Castelo Branco. From Castelo Branco take the N240 towards Monfortinho. Click on the P in the map to get directions. A circular walk around the resevoir is about 5 km long.


Português: A parte oriental da Beira Baixa, a cerca de 50 km de Castelo Branco. O acesso a partir desta cidade é feito tomando a N240 na direcção de Monfortinho. Ao chegar a Zebreira, deve virar-se à esquerda pela N332. A barragem surge ao fim de 4 km.

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Lac , Roselière


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