
Khor Rori

Coast  >  Oman

The estuary at the mouth of Wadi Darbat has ancient ruins, but above all a lagoon that attracts many birds.

Ajouté* par Lars Eriksson
Dernière actualisation 13 octobre 2023


Khor Rori (or Khawr Rawrī) is an estuary at the mouth of Wadi Darbat in the Dhofar region, near Taqah. Khor Rori is famous for the ruins of the ancient fortified port city of Sumhuram, but under birders it is famous because it is a major breeding ground for birds. If you continue past the ruins towards the edges of the estuary you can observe birds like Flamant rose, Spatule blanche, Ibis falcinelle, Échasse blanche, Chevalier stagnatile, Sooty Gull, Goéland railleur, Gravelot à collier interrompu, Barge à queue noire, Bécasseau de Temminck, Chevalier aboyeur, Chevalier sylvain, Sterne hansel, Sterne caspienne, Guifette moustac, Aigrette des récifs, Crabier chevelu and Balbuzard pêcheur.



The lagoon of Khor Rori is located just east of Taqah. Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates. From the museum car park, take the track towards the mouth of the river. Depending on the capacity of your vehicle you can do this by car or on foot. You will reach a beautiful beach between the sandstone jaws that partially block the entrance to the lagoon.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Plage , Mer/océan


Pas d'ombre , Paysage ouvert



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Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite

Migration printanière , Migration automnale , Hiver


Route non pavée , Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

Photo Khor Rori by Juozas Šalna, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0

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