
Bymarka Naturreservat

Trondheim  >  Norway

Typical Norwegian rocky mountainous area close to the city of Trondheim.

Ajouté* par Thiemo Karwinkel
Dernière actualisation 14 août 2024


Bymarka naturreservat is a rocky mountanous site, which extends above the tree-line with swamps, rocks and coniferous forests. The reserve is long and narrow and stretches 7 km from the Trondheimsfjord in the north to Skjellbreia in the south. The reserve has great variation in elevation, topography and exposure, which results in great variation in habitat types and species. About 30% of the reserve consists of northern boreal sparse mountain forest and low-alpine moors. Species, like Pic tridactyle and Tétras lyre are breeding in the reserve.



Bymarka Nature Reserve is located west of Trondheim city center. You can go by bus or by car to "Skistua". Press P in the map for directions to Skistua. If you want to make a really long hiking tour, you can start or finish at the Tram Station "Lian" down in Trondheim.

Terrain et Habitat

Montagnes , Toundra , Landes/bruyères , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Forêt


Montagneux , Glissant , Vallonné , Rocailleux



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?


Saison idéale pour observer

Printemps , Eté

Meilleure période pour une visite



Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

Be aware of the rough terrain! There are no real hiking paths in the area, as the landcape changes dramatically during the seasons: in Winter hiking and skiing paths go over swamps that are impenetrable in summer. Consequently, I do not provide any paths on the map below here for safety reasons. Use Norgeskart (Norwegian map service) and hiking information (e.g. komoot) to find some ways to explore the area, but just turn around, if the paths does not seem to exist anymore. It can get very steep (and slippery), so take care of yourself!

Be also aware that winter on that mountain is very long and much longer than down in Trondheim, so even in the beginning of April, everything is still covered in snow and people go here for skiing. It is a very popular skiing area for people from Trondheim, so at the weekends it can be crowded on the skiing paths.


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