

Amsterdam  >  Netherlands

A string of city parks in the north of Amsterdam that contain a variety of habitats including forest, scrub, reedbeds, open water and meadows.

Ajouté* par stanvrem
Dernière actualisation 16 janvier 2022
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


The Schellingwouderscheg includes five city parks (marked on the map). From west to east: Vliegenbos (forest), Rietland (scrub, reedbeds, small lake, young forest), Schellingwouderbreek (lake with natural shores), Schellingwouderpark (meadows and hedgerows, plus the shores of the Y canal) and the Schellingwouder Ecozone (reedbeds, scrub, overgrown woods).

This area is very good for birds of prey with Épervier d'Europe, Buse variable, Autour des palombes, Chouette hulotte and formerly Faucon hobereau all breeding in this urban nature reserve. They are most easily seen in Vliegenbos and Rietland. There's a very good chance of finding Martin-pêcheur d'Europe anywhere there's water . In addition to the ubiquitous Perruche à collier the area also has a lot of Perruche alexandre, keep an ear out for their distinctive calls as they fly over.

Vliegenbos sometimes harbours birds like Gros-bec casse-noyaux and Sittelle torchepot among the more common forest birds and is the best place to find Pigeon colombin. The Pic vert seems to have mostly disappeared since the football fields in the park were converted to tennis courts, but they are still seen every now and then. The industrial area just to the south of Vliegenbos has breeding Rougequeue noir.

Rietland and Schellingwouderpark have some more open areas of scattered trees and scrub that can be good for Fauvette grisette, Fauvette babillarde, Fauvette des jardins, Pouillot fitis and occasionally Coucou gris or Rossignol philomèle . There are some small reedbeds in Rietland and Schellingwouderbreek that sometimes have Phragmite des joncs, Rousserolle effarvatte and Bruant des roseaux. The meadows in Schellingwouderpark often have Cigogne blanche, Huîtrier pie and Brown Hares in the early morning before people arrive. During migration there's a chance of Merle à plastron here.

In harsh winters, birds that normally reside outside of the city enter these city parks, and then you can see Canard souchet, Canard siffleur, Fuligule milouin, Harle bièvre, Grande Aigrette, Butor étoilé, Râle d'eau, Bécasse des bois, Bécassine des marais, Grive litorne and Vanneau huppé. In the much more common icefree winters you can still find Grive mauvis, Tarin des aulnes, Roitelet huppé, Roitelet triple-bandeau and Pinson du Nord.

Keep an eye out for Bihoreau gris and overflying Pygargue à queue blanche, both are very occasionally seen here. Other interesting animals include Grass Snake and Red Fox. Just to the north of this area are breeding colonies of Héron cendré and Bernache nonnette, both are marked on the map.

Just to the east of this route is the Schellingwouder Ecozone (marked on the map). Another small but wonderfully wild area with Rousserolle verderolle and Bouscarle de Cetti and a reasonable chance of Coucou gris and Rossignol philomèle .

The Schellingwouderscheg is constantly under threat from development: there are plans to build houses, infrastructure and turn the parks from wild city nature reserves to boring run of the mill urban parks. Already it can be very busy with people and dogs.



The best way to explore the area is by bike, but you can walk as well. The car isn't very practical here, as there is little (parking) space and it isn't very convenient getting from one of the parks to the other by car.

If you walked or cycled from Vliegenbos to Schellingwouderpark and don't want to go the same way back, you can take a northern route from Schellingwouderbreek, through the Baanakkerspark (marked on the map).

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Ville/village , Roselière , Zone humide , Lac





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