
Plemont Headland and Cliff Path

St Ouen  >  Jersey

A nice section of coastal cliff path and restored headland. Best spot for viewing Macareux moine in the summer months.

Ajouté* par Edward Bell
Dernière actualisation 11 décembre 2023
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


The cliffpaths are part of a network that rings most of the Island and it is possible to walk from East to West in a day along them. The habitat is heath and gorse and has undergone restoration by the National Trust with a view to encouraging more bird life and also to allow the re-introduction of the Crave à bec rouge which is now flying free in the island after a 100 year absence.

The main reason to visit though is in summer Plemont Headland provides the best opportunity to see the remaining breeding pairs of Macareux moine (3 pairs 2022) as well as Fulmar boréal and usually Pingouin torda rafting offshore. The Macareux moine numbers have crashed in Jersey but efforts are underway to prevent their disappearance from the island and to hopefully recover them.

If you have been to a colony in the UK or Europe this will not be the same but its a beautiful corner of the Island. The headland is popular with Faucon crécerelle and in migration a good spot for vagrants such as Traquet motteux and in some years Bruant des neiges.



Access by car - just follow directions and signs for St Ouen and then Plemont from town, it'll be a 25 min drive. There is plenty of parking available, public toilets are located next to the Cafe further down the hill to the bay. The number 8 Bus will get you there from town as well.

The headland is close cropped heath and grassland but the cliff paths can be narrow, steep with a drop and there are steps so be prepared and only head out onto the cliff paths if able.

Terrain et Habitat

Landes/bruyères , Canyon/falaise , Mer/océan


Vallonné , Rocailleux , Paysage ouvert , Pas d'ombre



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Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

While no birds are ever guaranteed this is a nice walk on a summers day and sure to turn up something.


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