
Parco Alta Murgia - Castel del Monte

Puglia  >  Italy

Path full of opportunities to observe birds by walking around the beautiful Castel del Monte.

Ajouté* par Piero 85
Dernière actualisation 24 février 2022


Parco Alta Murgia is located centrally and in the west of the Apulia region and covers an area of 680 square kilometers. Alta Murgia is located on the highest point of the Murge plateau, a fairly high rocky and rural karst area in the regions of Apulia and Basilicata. The landscape consists of forests, maquis or the low-growing undergrowth, rock formations and grasslands, the highest point being the Torre Disperata at an altitude of 686 meters. Around Castel del Monte you can make a nice birding walk and you can encounter birds like Gorgebleue à miroir, Rossignol philomèle, Alouette des champs, Fauvette grisette, Fauvette à lunettes and Fauvette mélanocéphale. Birds of prey in the area include the Milan royal, Milan noir, Faucon crécerelle, Faucon crécerellette, Faucon lanier, Faucon pèlerin and Vautour percnoptère.


Italiano: Parco dell'alta murgia attorno a Castel del monte. Percorso ricco di possibilità di osservare avifauna girando attorno al bellissimo Castel del monte.



You can park near the farm and follow the numerous paths that run through the Murgia. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 7 km long.


Italiano: Si può parcheggiare in prossimità della masseria sei carri e seguire i numerosi sentieri che percorrono la Murgia.

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