
Monte Barco e Santa Colomba

Trentino  >  Italy

A melting pot area where different ecosystems meet. From damp woods to marshes, from spruce forest to meadows and rocky quarry environments.

Ajouté* par Francescopeterlana
Dernière actualisation 5 avril 2022
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


The protected area of Monte Barco e Santa Colomba is located a short distance from the town of Trento. The are is interesting for birdwatching if you happen to be in the city. The diversification of habitats is the main characteristic of this place. The more different ecotones the more diverse the birds you are going to encounter in this place. Starting with damp woods, it's pretty easy to spot every sort of Tits from our region, starting with Mésange huppée and ending with Mésange boréale. Other typical birds are both the treecrepers (Grimpereau des bois and Grimpereau des jardins) and a big variety of woodpecker (Pic cendré is probably the best encounter due to its overall rarity for the italian peninsula in fact it's presence is limited only to the north-easthern alps). In autumn many Bécasse des bois choose this place to winter. The apex predators in terms of birds are Buse variable and Autour des palombes even though Épervier d'Europe, Chouette hulotte and Hibou moyen-duc are fairy more common in this area. Not really far away I even heard Grand-duc d'Europe but I'm not quite sure about its presence in the area ( could have been a vagrant specimen ). Where the habitat borders the rock quarries if you're lucky enough you can spot spot Monticole bleu often hanging out at the edge of the big boulders. In the reed beds many Acrocephalids nests and, standing with old data even some Sylvidae species are present as breeders (Honestly I don't really know, never seen one, but who knows). The best encounter for me is the precious Gélinotte des bois that is really shy but I spotted it here like three times and it's widespread in the northern part.



The best way to explore the area is on foot or by bike. You can park in Le Gorghe or in Pian del Gàc which are the most interesting areas but you can as well decide to park straight near the middle (Pradi de Mongalina) following a small road used by the lorries in the nearby quarries. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Zone humide , Roselière


Vallonné , Plat



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