
Is Solinas

Sardegna  >  Italy

Wetland near the village of Is Solinas where many birds can be spotted.

Ajouté* par massimo tomasi
Dernière actualisation 2 septembre 2022
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


There is a walkable path in a ring bordering the pond, but being without a shelter you risk frightening the birds. So best to do birding from the car or keep enough distance. Among the birds you can encounter are Flamant rose, Balbuzard pêcheur, Oedicnème criard, Linotte mélodieuse, Goéland railleur, Aigrette garzette and Huppe fasciée.


Italiano: Posto molto popolato da avifauna di tante specie. Percorso percorribile a piedi in un anello costeggiante lo stagno, ma essendo senza riparo si rischia di spaventare i volatili, oppure un giro in auto più largo sempre ad anello.



Easy to reach from the village of Is Solinas or from the coastal road. Possibility of parking.


Italiano: Facilmente raggiungibile dal paese di Is Solinas o dalla strada costiera. Possibilità di parcheggio.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Roselière , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Plaine


Plat , Vallonné , Poussiéreux , Marécageux , Pas d'ombre



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Migration printanière , Migration automnale


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A pied , Voiture , Vélo

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