
Rajakamangalam Lake

TamilNadu  >  India

A large lake very close to the sea which attracts a huge number of migratory birds.

Ajouté* par Nidhin Chandran
Dernière actualisation 2 janvier 2024


Rajakamangalam Lake is very close to the sea and has some infrastructure to view birds. But the watch tower is old and is not located in an ideal location. Access to the watch tower is also difficult, the broken road to the watch tower is not used regularly and bushes have covered the road making it difficult to drive a car without scratching its paint.

Even though this pond is very close to a major district road, it attracts a huge number of migratory birds because of the shallow depth of water. Making it ideal for waders and even ducks.



Rajakamangalam Lake is located on the southern coast of India. Its difficult to miss the pond from the SH-179 road. But to get a better view of birds, its adviced to go to the east side of the lake by following the narrow road which goes to the watch tower.

Terrain et Habitat

Lac , Vasières


Plat , Niveau d'eau élevé probable , Marécageux , Pas d'ombre



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Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Hiver , Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite



Sentier étroit , Route non pavée , Route pavée

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

Voiture , A pied

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