
Sachsendorfer Wiesen

Brandenburg  >  Germany

In the western part of the small city of Cottbus, this area is a local favourite for walking. Meadows, wetlands, copses of trees - plenty of space for birds.

Ajouté* par Kristina Klug
Dernière actualisation 29 décembre 2021


The birding in the Sachsendorfer Wiesen is good because there are lots of different habitats in a small area. Within the area is the protected zone of NSG Schnepfenried, where there are Bécassine des marais (according to the signs; I've yet to see one) and Vanneau huppé. In the open fields it is common to see Cigogne blanche, Grue cendrée and Faucon crécerelle. Along the outer stretch, called Priorgraben, Rossignol philomèle is abundant. Every now and then, Pygargue à queue blanche are flying over.



The area is best explored walking or cycling. As part of the area is a protected zone, it is not allowed to leave the paths.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Zone humide , Prairie , Forêt , Roselière


Plat , Paysage ouvert



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Printemps , Eté


Route pavée , Sentier large

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A pied , Vélo , Fauteuil roulant

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