Rated 3 stars out of 5
(2 ratings)


Hamburg  >  Germany

The "Holzhafen" is a freshwater tidal flat and of particular importance as a resting area for migratory bird species.

Ajouté* par Manuel Tacke
Dernière actualisation 19 novembre 2024


Located in the middle of the huge urban industrial area of the port of Hamburg, the Holzhafen was reconnected to the tidal river Elbe only in 2013 as a compensation area for the expansion of the motorway. Therefore the area is one of the most important wetlands in Hamburg. Depending on the time and season you can expect a great variety of waterbirds of all kind. Especially during migration season several species of ducks can be seen (especially Sarcelle d'hiver, Canard souchet and Tadorne de Belon in good numbers). Some days in spring see dozens of gulls (all species, including Mouette mélanocéphale which breeds close by) and terns feeding from the water, Sterne naine and Sterne caspienne are recorded. The adjacent bushy areas and reed belts used to be good spots to search for passerines as Gorgebleue à miroir. Faucon pèlerin breeds in a nearby power pole and Balbuzard pêcheur is a reguar guests. Also different species of waders can be observed in smaller numbers.



An asphalted footpath (also accessible by bike) leads along the dike directly past the area and allows good views. Parking areas are close. Public transport (S Rothenburgsort, close to Hauptbahnhof) can be reached within reasonable distance.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Rivière , Roselière , Ville/village , Vasières





Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

Peut être utile


Route pavée , Sentier large

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Voiture , Fauteuil roulant

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

Going by bike gives you the best opportunity to combine a visit of the Holzhafen with other great birding spots close by.

Voir les sites d'observation voisins publiés sur Birdingplaces


tour de guet
point d'intérêt
point de vue
centre d'accueil
1 km

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Kathrin Voss (2024-11-19)

DE: Es ist ganz interessant, aber für die Einordnung als unbedingt sehenswert, sind die Vögel zu weit weg. Auf jeden Fall lohnt es sich ein Spektiv oder ein entsprechendes Fernglas mitzunehmen. Auch lohnt es sich den Weg weiter bis hinter der Autobahnbrücke zu gehen, denn dort findet sich eine der größeren Kormorankolonien in Hamburg, was vor allem zur Brutzeit im April interessant ist. Wenn man auf dem Deich ist, kann man sogar ganz gute Fotos von den Küken machen, auch wenn man nicht ganz auf der Höhe der Nester ist.

EN: The area is quite interesting, but the birds are too far away for the area to be considered not to be missed. It is definitely worth taking a spotting scope or a pair of binoculars with you. It is also worth continuing on to behind the motorway bridge, as this is where you will find one of the larger Grand Cormoran colonies in Hamburg, which is particularly interesting during the breeding season in April. If you are on the dyke, you can even take good photos of the chicks, even if you are not quite at the height of the nests.

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