
Altneckar Wieblingen

Baden-Württemberg  >  Germany

Calm and hidden part of the river Neckar without big ships. Martin-pêcheur d'Europe is breeding here with some pairs as well as more common bird species.

Ajouté* par Tobias Friedlaender
Dernière actualisation 10 avril 2024


The more common species you can see at Altneckar Wieblingen are Martin-pêcheur d'Europe, Canard colvert, Oie cendrée, Bernache du Canada, Ouette d'Égypte, Grand Cormoran, Mouette rieuse, Goéland leucophée, Héron cendré, Foulque macroule, Cygne tuberculé and Goéland leucophée. Winter guests in the area are Fuligule milouin, Harle bièvre, Fuligule morillon, Garrot à oeil d'or and Grèbe castagneux. A rare visitor is Goéland pontique.



Best access from the big street from Heidelberg to Wieblingen. Parking for bikes possible everywhere near the street, parking for cars maybe in the center of Wieblingen and then walk to the Neckar. Multiple small paths down to the river (hidden at some places). Watch out, can be slippery and muddy after rainfalls and in winter. Paths are narrow between bushes in some parts, so the spot is suitable for adventurous birders. Some info boards at the road/bikeway.

Terrain et Habitat

Ville/village , Forêt , Rivière , Roselière


Glissant , Niveau d'eau élevé probable , Vallonné



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