

Baden-Württemberg  >  Germany

A small safe haven for a number of breeding and migrating birds with a good mix of habitats.

Ajouté* par Sam S.
Dernière actualisation 2 avril 2024


The Allmendäcker is a protected area that is completely fenced in. The area can be observed well from an elevated path on both sides. Birds seen here regularly include Tarier pâtre, Pigeon colombin, Linotte mélodieuse, Bruant jaune and Bruant des roseaux. In late spring / summer, there is a good chance of seeing Pie-grièche écorcheur and Tourterelle des bois. Hirondelle de rivage have a nesting colony nearby and can also usually be seen.

In winter, there is a good chance of seeing small flocks of Sizerin cabaret feeding in the birch trees on the fringes. As a safe haven, this site is used as an irregular stopver by a number migrating birds. Highlights over the recent years include Vanneau huppé, Courlis cendré, Traquet motteux, Pipit rousseline and Tarier des prés.



Allmendäcker is located directly east of the town of Rheinstetten. As mentioned, the area can only be viewed from an elevated path. There is the possibility to park near this path. Click on the P in the map for directions.

Terrain et Habitat

Plaine , Dunes , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Étang


Plat , Sablonneux , Pas d'ombre , Paysage ouvert , Sec



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Migration printanière , Migration automnale


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