
Plans d'eau de Changis-sur-Marne

Ile-de-France  >  France

Several medium size water bodies with a small reedbed and a quite extensive grassy/brushy area.

Ajouté* par T
Dernière actualisation 29 mars 2020


The area is really good throughout spring particularly when some areas have been flooded during winter. In fact high water conditions combined with the grassy area create a very good stopover site for Sarcelle d'été or Canard pilet for example. The open water bodies are also good for terns. Moreover in Spring Gorgebleue à miroir is easily heard and seen singing in the willows near the reedbed. Depending on the year 2-3 pairs of Oedicnème criard breed on the site. The bushes also host Pie-grièche écorcheur and Fauvette babillarde as breeders. A colony of Mouette rieuse is established on the islet on the easternmost water body and they are sometimes joined by some Mouette mélanocéphale.

Of course it can be useful to check the water bodies in winter for ducks but there are often fishermen near the lakes so ducks are rarely as numerous as on other water bodies in the region.



You can park at the northwesternmost tip of the village of Changis-sur-Marne in the chemin de l'Ormois. You have then several possible tracks to explore the area. The area is best explored on foot.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Lac , Agriculture , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Rivière , Roselière


Plat , Marécageux , Niveau d'eau élevé probable



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